file sharing sites

DMCA Notifier - Fight for your right!

DMCA Notifier - Fight for your right!

Fight evil at the source with DMCA Notifier! Authors have rights and in today’s world, not many people care about copyright, about the value of work and hours put in developing a product, writing a book, shooting a photo or a movie. Unfortunately, fighting online piracy is a war too big for some, but fear not! While we can’t stop the sites that propagate download links for our works, we can deactivate those links at the source thanks to DMCA...

Advanced Social Status

Advanced Social Status

Advanced Social StatusWordPress Plugin Advanced Social Status allows you to display an advanced WordPress Dashboard widget to display your Social Networking counts and status. Advanced Social Status will display your Social Networking activity and follower count for the following Social Networking sites: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Delicious, SoundCloud, Instagram, Stumbleupon, YouTube, Dribbble & Forrst. Description Display y...