
FEVOR Validation Library

FEVOR Validation Library

FEVOR is an abbreviation for Fluent Extensible Validator and it’s a .NET validation library with lots of features that simplify the validation process in development by abstracting away the complex logic of conditional statements. Features it can be used on any .NET project removes conditional statements clutter by making use of a fluent syntax; no need to learn any attributes or interfaces to extend it (it’s all based on extension methods...

Simple Sanitize

Simple Sanitize

Use this PHP Class to safely access user input like GET and POST variables. Set it and forget it! This class automatically sanitizes your data in various ways. Current options include “strict”, “html”, “mysql”, “both” (html and mysql), or “none”. Each sanitizing level handles data a little bit differently. “strict” will return input with only alphanumeric characters. “html” encodes all html-entites. “mysql” escapes all special mysql charact...

MyOM - object to mysql database mapper classes

MyOM - object to mysql database mapper classes

MyOM is a distribution of 4 classes wich will help you to work with the database(MySQL) in terms of class instances instead of recordsets. It isolates database layer from the business logic. It will help you to store database queries in simple xml files and it isolates database api from your application code. You code will be more readable, more beautifull, object oriented, more easy to support. it is very easy to connect with the database, ju...



CreativeTable it’s a php class that builds a table based on the data retrieved by an SQL query or an 2D Array. It has lots of options and it’s very, very configurable. It’s perfect to incorporate with your backoffices, because it’s very flexible and very easy to build. You can also easily integrate with your sites. Features very easy to configurate support almost all sql queries, if not all extremely flexible super fast searc...

Data File

Data File

If you want to store data in a file this class is the perfect solution, you can easily manage the data with no knowledge of how to store it required. You can use this system to create a comments system or blog, or any system that would typically need a database with a few simple files. But don’t think of it as something for people with no MySQL access, you could also use Data File to store config information for your project such as the databa...

Interfacer - External API Request Package

Interfacer - External API Request Package

Interfacer is an abstract library that allows you to easily create HTTP requests to external web APIs. It utilizes the cURL library to seamlessly and quickly fetch and return data. Furthermore, the data returned can be parsed to any of the following formats: XML , JSON, object and array. The class does its best to automatically set the correct HTTP headers, query params, cURL options or data format. Anything else can easily be manually appl...

Registry Class

Registry Class

Description This script is meant to store and retrieve variables in a central place. The values can be stored in three ways. Temp: Variables are accessible withing one script execution (like normal variables). Session: Variables that are accessible from all the pages for one user (saved in session). Application: Variables are accesible for all users from all pages (saved in file). This way you have all your variables in one place and ha...

Data Validation class

Data Validation class

The key to a stable and secure application or website is data validation. Validating things like email addresses, numbers, and other data can be very time consuming and add a lot of extra lines of code to your website if you want to do it the right way. This class can make the data validation part of website development a lot easier. This class is very easy to use. Because all the methods are static they are faster and callable without insta...

Ajax Tables

Ajax Tables

This script is the ajax version of our Advanced tables script. The result is that this script can work with much more data. It even can handle a database with more than 300,000 records. Updates 21/2/2010: Fixed json_encode problem for PHP versions smaller than 5.3 Fixed wrong source reference in Example script Added feature to only search in specific columns (see PDF documentation page 6 “searchColumns” parameter) Fixed last row search ...

Data/File upload and management

Data/File upload and management

Data/File Upload & Managemnet If you’re looking for something which allows you to upload and manage in real time your files on your website, Data/file Upload & Management is the one for you. This script will allow you to Upload and manage every kind of file you desire (txt, rar, html, jpeg and many many others, and is also personalisable). There are three options, Uploading, Viewing and Deleting. The script is coded in PHP wi...