config file

Apartment Real Estate iPhone Full Applicatio xCode

Apartment Real Estate iPhone Full Applicatio xCode

Features High Quality Professional Designs Full Native xCode Project Easy to Update and Customize All iPhone Resolutions ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) Implementation to Prevent Memory Leaks Storyboard Gallery View List View Map View Local or Web-based Data Source XML Data = Human Understandable Sample XML Data Available Detailed Video Tutorials on How to Update and Manage xCode Project Icon Maker (PSD) Splash Pagemaker (PSD) Call Phone T...

Option API

Option API

Options are used to store various preferences and configuration settings for an application and it is a basic feature of a great product. Users will have great control of the application if you build it with useful and thoughtful options in mind. Here comes Option API . It is made of a set of PHP classes and a MySql table. This lib intends to make your development much faster and yet make a options rich application. It is made for developers l...

php.ini Compatibility

php.ini Compatibility

Key Features Works with any .php file Ensures the compatibility of your scripts across varying systems Can force / emulate 177 php.ini settings Simple and easy to use Lightweight Supported Settings precision y2k_compliance output_buffering output_handler zlib.output_compression zlib.output_compression_level zlib.output_handler implicit_flush unserialize_callback_func serialize_precision open_basedir highlight.string highligh...

Data File

Data File

If you want to store data in a file this class is the perfect solution, you can easily manage the data with no knowledge of how to store it required. You can use this system to create a comments system or blog, or any system that would typically need a database with a few simple files. But don’t think of it as something for people with no MySQL access, you could also use Data File to store config information for your project such as the databa...