css image sprites

WordPress CSS Sprites Generator For Posts Content

WordPress CSS Sprites Generator For Posts Content

Introduction Are you after reducing your server load and speeding up your web pages? You’ve heard of CSS sprites before but you don’t know how they can bring improvements in your situation? Well, simply put, each image on a web page is a separate HTTP request to the server, and experience shows that you can dramatically increase the performance of a page by combining multiple images or icons into a larger image sprite sheet. CSS is finally u...

Simple CSS Sprites Generator

Simple CSS Sprites Generator

Simple CSS Sprites Generator is a script, which you can use to generate CSS Sprites. It is very simple to use, it saves your time from manually putting all the needed images into one single image. It automatically merging images. Different from other CSS Sprite Generator: This generator takes multiple images and merge them into one image file. You do not need to manually put multiple images into one image file, it will automatically mer...