auto complete

X Forms - WordPress Form Creator Plugin

X Forms - WordPress Form Creator Plugin

Themes/Color Schemes are applied accordingly to form input elements, error messages, confirmation messages, help text and the submit button! So no need to style every element, save time by simple using presets (which can also be modified!) Take a minute and to check out the live demo to preview the color schemes on a dark or light theme. What buyers are saying… Why waste valuable time with complex editing and endless trail and error? With X F...

Smart Complete

Smart Complete

A script that empower your search textbox so users can see the search-able result before they finish typing the whole word! The suggestions can be retrieved from mysql database or a defined array, using ajax technology. Smart Auto Complete Demo Smart Auto Complete Features : Integrate an auto complete feature to blog, cms, datagrid, basically any pages you want. Make your record searchable. Has the auto complete suggestions searched from...