app blog iphone

CWSNews - iPhone news app - Wordpress

CWSNews - iPhone news app - Wordpress

CWSNews more discriminate application that will help you create the application of readily news Create your own iPhone applications immediately, and easy-to-handle interface Easily you will have a control panel from which you can add news and videos, as well as your own Radio, and contact your Test Control Panel applications username: admin password: admin Features : - Control Panel applic...

BlogNews - iPhone blog app - Wordpress editions

BlogNews - iPhone blog app - Wordpress editions

BlogNews is a full native App for iPhone and has been built in response to the demand from the owners of Wordpress Blog / Magazine who want to offer to their users a professional iPhone App. Really easy to setup, just copy and paste your RSS Feeds URL and the app will finish it. Use the Wordpress plugin to easily manage the thumbnails for every post. You will spend only 10 minutes max to completely setup the App !!! Features : - Sli...