ajax photos upload

Mobile jQuery Photos Gallery

Mobile jQuery Photos Gallery

This mobile photos gallery is based on the powerful jQuery Mobile framework and is supporting all major mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Palm WebOS, Nokia/Symbian, Windows Phone 7…). It is composed of a front-end, and also a very intuitive admin interface where you can manage all your albums and images. It also supports a multiple photos upload functionality and enables you to add a caption for each of your images. Features - Powe...

Smart jQuery Photos gallery

Smart jQuery Photos gallery

This app enables you to create a photos or images gallery in minutes. You can create unlimited galleries from the secured admin interface and upload yours pictures to it using AJAX. You can also add a caption for each of your images. The front end interface enables you to filter through your albums and preview your images in different easy and user friendly ways. Features - Unlimited galleries (create, edit and delete functions) - Unlimited ...