HTML5 Canvas Cover Flow

HTML5 Canvas Cover Flow

This is an amazing HTML5 Canvas XML Cover Flow presenting a 3D photo gallery with tons of features. You can customize almost anything and the 3D reality presentation it’s so good that most probably you will never need another Cover Flow. This very complex HTML5 Canvas 3D Cover Flowis is optimized for mobile devices (Android and IOS mobile devices such as iPad2, iPad3, iPhone, Samsung Galaxy Tab etc). It not only runs on those devices but it...

Envato Item Data fetcher + Dataset

Envato Item Data fetcher + Dataset

Envato URL Fetcher Want to fetch item’s data including description? Uses HTML scrapping to fetch data Interacts with Envato API Envato API doesn’t provide Item’s description – But, it even gives you item’s description Easy to use API (OOP based) Why use it? Use it to index Envato items Easy and Clean Implementation Display Envato Items to earn...

MailRock XML Newsletter (mailing list system)

MailRock XML Newsletter (mailing list system)

MailRock XML is mass mailing newsletter system with responsive user-friendly UI written in PHP with XML store. Ultra light weight mailing list system working really fast. MailRock working without any additional DB sources such as MySQL. Key Features Fastest system in the world Multiple transports Unlimited attachments Queues manager MySQL not required Import contacts from Wordpress users table Import contacts from any MySQL source Mai...

Website Sponsorship

Website Sponsorship

Do you have WordPress website and people really like it? Give them a chance to become sponsors of your website with Website Sponsorship plugin. It’s easy now. Just acitivate it and place widget “Website Sponsors” on sidebar (or place shortcode [websitesponsors] on sponsorship page). After that your visitors will be able to include their hyperlinked name or even their hyperlinked logo into sponsors list. All they need to do is to fill up simple...

Cash Converter- Cute Modal Box(Only Jquery )

Cash Converter- Cute Modal Box(Only Jquery )

This component is a nice looking Modal Box that permit your users to check price of your products in their currency . This plugin for calculation use google api and support 93 different currency’s. Cash Converter is very flexible you can add new currency’s and new languages for your Modal Box. This is a jquery plugin. Supported language: English French German Spanish Esperanto Italian Polish Russian Czech Swedish Supported Currencys ...

Path Style Menu

Path Style Menu

Path style menu This is a multi-level menu inspired by Path 2.0 UI which has sky rocketed the Path application in the App store, proving that a distinctive UI can really give you the edge in a competitive marketplace with similar products. When the user presses or clicks the button, menu items expand and place themselves around the main button forming an arc, a circle, line up horizontally or vertically. To close the menu the user needs to...

Zen Cart - Ultimate Font Changer

Zen Cart - Ultimate Font Changer

- Are you Bored with your old font? - Want to make your Zen Cart themes better? With this module you can do all of that. It is easy to install, only two files need to edit. Features : - Easy to install - Compatible With Zen Cart 1.50 or older - Configurable from Admin Page - Comes with 15 Ready-Use Predefined Fonts - Support Google Fonts

jQuery Social Stream

jQuery Social Stream

NOW WITH FACEBOOK, TWITTER GOOGLE + & LINKEDIN SHARE LINKS Combine all of your social network interactions into a single network stream or create a single feed for multiple social network profiles. Display using rotating feed list or a filterable, responsive Social Network Wall! Includes Facebook, Twitter, Google + & LinkedIn share links to make you social network streams more interactive, help promote your social network posts and boo...

Copertura – Elegant CSS Overlay

Copertura – Elegant CSS Overlay

Copertura is an elegant way to show text which is not included in your site’s content. It is great for displaying legal notes, longer explanations or sources. If a certain link or button is clicked, the Copertura lightbox directly appears in a light and fancy way without loading a new document. Copertura is designed with readability in mind. Special attention was spent to every typographical aspect. High readability Light and elegant...

PayPal Digital Goods Module for WooCommerce

PayPal Digital Goods Module for WooCommerce

For new customer: Please buy instead which as include the same functionality PayPal for Digital Goods – Express Checkout supports: All single-payer, single-payee transactions (one-to-one transaction) Payments in all currencies supported by PayPal Payments in all countries supported by PayPal Tax calculations PayPal for Digital Goods – Express Checkout streamli...