Gifts App Website with FB Integration - HTML5

Gifts App Website with FB Integration - HTML5

A Virtual Gifts sharing website with Seamless Facebook Integration, loaded with Facebook Login, Facebook Friends Suggestion, Facebook Viral Invitation Features etc. This script is a ready to Install Program with an Online Installer along with Sample Gift Data included. Gifts app comes with a fully featured Admin panel with built-in advertisement modules. If you’ve bought the script and you like it Please rate it! It would help me out a lot,...

Simple Template Engine

Simple Template Engine

Features: Allows to use independent templates like Joomla or WordPress. Create Websites in minutes. Easy to Use. SEO Friendly URLS Truly Independent Template, unlike smarty. Build Pages just by creating a php file, Simple Template Engine does the rest. Build Widgets just by creating a php file Fully Documented:

Manual surf Powerful Exchange System

Manual surf Powerful Exchange System

This is a add on for With this addon, you can replace autosurf to manual surf or add plus menu item to your site. Demo: > Surf menu Login info: demo123

Google Maps + Sliders plugin for WordPress

Google Maps + Sliders plugin for WordPress

As per request I converted the Stylized Google Maps JavaScript into a WordPress plugin. This is a jQuery javascript project around Google Maps. But it’s different from other Google Maps scripts because it can display Google Maps in different styles. It also has a nice image slider that lets you impose animating images on the map. Feature include Google Maps v3 APIs Image sliders on the map Multiple built in stylized Allows to restyle ...

PHP QR Code Advanced Generator

PHP QR Code Advanced Generator

“QR Code advanced generator” can generate QR codes via the Google Infograph API (no API key required ;)), and also can generate QR codes that uses sytanx (for example to send emails, vCards, meCards, phone numbers, etc…) Features: Generate QR Codes for URL ’s and Images. Multiple QR Codes available to generate (sms, vCards, meCards, etc). Multiple Sizes. Multiple Encoding Formats. Multiple Correction levels (L, M, Q, and H). Template syst...

jQuery Rotation Animation Plugin

jQuery Rotation Animation Plugin

Rotation Animation is a jQuery plugin that animates the rotation of any HTML element, from image tags to divs! You simply provide the angle you wish to rotate the element to, and the plugin does the rest. See the live preview for a demonstration of this! On the downloaded zip file, the plugin itself is named “jquery.RotatAnim.js” For any questions or comments, contact me through “”

PayPal Express Payment Gateway for WooCommerce

PayPal Express Payment Gateway for WooCommerce

Gateway Website : The Express Checkout button gives buyers another way to pay, and it complements your existing payment solution. Online shoppers appreciate the convenience and security of PayPal, where they can pay with their PayPal balance, bank account, or credit card. Key Features of Express Checkout Express Checkout is a fast, easy way for buyers to pay with PayPal. Express Checkout eliminates one of the maj...

Tickets Plugin: Reports

Tickets Plugin: Reports

This is a plugin for Tickets. Please ensure you have purchased and installed the latest version of Tickets before using this plugin. Reports This plugin adds four different graphs for reporting in Tickets. Graphs include: Added/Closed Line Graph (by day for the last 7 days) Added/Closed Line Graph (by month for the last 6 months) Top 6 Submitters (for the last 7 days) Top 6 Submitters (for the current month) This plugin is super easy t...

jQuery FCompare Plugin

jQuery FCompare Plugin

Overview FComapare is a jQuery plugin for features comparison of any data types (in JSON format). It can be used for products and services comparison. FComapare demo Features Flexible configuration All data types compatibility Supports cookies Fully customizable styles Compatible with jQuery 1.3 or higher Works in all major browsers Browser Compatibility Internet Explorer 7+ Firefox Chrome Safari Opera jQuery Compatibility...

Banners Rotator Generator For Wordpress

Banners Rotator Generator For Wordpress

What is It Banners Rotator Generator For Wordpress help you to built a banner rotator for your Blog/s. It’s very easy to use and integrate in your Blog/s. Preview Front-end: Back-end: UserID: bannerGEN Password: bannerGEN Update – 18 February 2013 no need support anymore to resize thumbsnails Update – 13 August 2...