3D Social Buttons Pack

3D Social Buttons Pack

Inside Pack Folder Css Folder Font Folder Images large-buttons.html default-buttons.html small-buttons.html Read-me.pdf Icons Used in Project – IcoMoon Free Font FONT USED IN PROJECT (Free Font) – Font PT Sans Rate it if you like … Enjoy…!!!

Go - Responsive Pricing & Compare Tables for WP

Go - Responsive Pricing & Compare Tables for WP

We are looking for a developer to create a Stand-alone version of Go Pricing for @codecanyon. “Looks freaking awesome. Can’t wait to give this a try and also maybe review it on my site .” WPExplorer | Elite Author “I Bought this plugin a couple days ago. Absolutely Stellar! It’s the admin panel that makes this soo easy and fun! I love it! A must buy for any pricing table layout! 5 STARS! Thanks Granth!” Noahj | @PerfectingSelf “Tried se...

Google Image Scraper - Plugin for WordPress

Google Image Scraper - Plugin for WordPress

Google Image ScraperPlugin for WordPress Do you want fresh content on your site each and every day, without you moving a finger? This plugin is a great tool for anyone looking to autograb and autopost content from Google images based on his own keywords! Features: Autoposting: Once you set the plugin up, you just have to watch content flowing into your website – totally automated! Autograbbing: All of the grabbed images are stored on yo...

Repose Showcase

Repose Showcase

Wordpress Version: Repose Showcase for Wordpress So, what is this? Repose is a javascript plugin which can be used as an amazing showcase for different stuff. Some awesome stuff that can be showcased using Repose would be portfolio, images, social links, your team, your USP or features, or pricing tables. Look at the demo for examples of each case.Features 8 Demo Templates. Just copy and paste the code. A lightbox-like plugin for viewing ima...

A Business Template Universal Edition

A Business Template Universal Edition

Summary: „A Business Template – Universal Edition“ is a clean and elegant iOS5+ App Template to get your content or data-driven App started (including a full XCode Project, PSD files with Slicy support, App Icon PSD’s, Launch Image PSD’s, Icon Samples and pre-sliced Assets, iPad & iPhone ready). Well suited for bloggers as well! Turn your Wordpress blog into a native iOS app with very little effort. This template is also ideal for...

Kitchen Recipe App

Kitchen Recipe App

Descriptions Kitchen Recipe App is an app created using JQuery Mobile framework for any Mobile Platform like IOS, Android, Blackbery and many other devices. This app created by two menus category, Recipe Category and About App. In Recipe Category have 6 menu recipe and you can add more. About App is menu for display about in this app.In this file have 2 file in 1 main file, for quest and admin. Different of that 2 file is Kitchen Recipe App fo...

Parallel.NET - Background Task Scheduler

Parallel.NET - Background Task Scheduler

The Parallel.NET component provides you with a simple and robust way of getting your .NET applications to perform regular tasks at configurable intervals. There is no interference to other aspects of the application including the UI or users. What are the features? Execute tasks at configurable intervals Run multiple tasks at different intervals using 1 ParallelScheduler Configure whether background tasks use the ThreadPool or run on...

Argus - Dropdown Menu

Argus - Dropdown Menu

This is pure HTML5/CSS3 menu. Menu has HTML5 structure and works on all major browsers. Menu is easy to edit and integrate into any website. On mobile and tablet devices, only a first level submenu is visible. Menu works (the main structure is 100% same) on Internet Explorer 9, 8, 7… and a lot of old browsers but animation and some other CSS3 features do not work. Video Preview on YouTube (Watch in HD)Collection of my Classic/Mega Menus...

camAnywhere Video Camera Surveillance WebConsole

camAnywhere Video Camera Surveillance WebConsole

If you want to manage or broadcast your (surveillance) cameras or webcams in only one simple and easy way, you got it! With camAnywhere Php / jQuery script you can easily : - access and display all your camera streams on one screen - edit your settings with built-in console - take snapshot of your streams, email & review them - 2 access modes : local (ip) & distant (dyndns) - 3 view modes : pop-up, grid, external - 3 default grid...

Facebook Like Gate - Wordpress Plugin

Facebook Like Gate - Wordpress Plugin

FB Like GateWordpress Plugin Updated The easiest and most powerfull way to setup and manage your facebook Like Gate directly in Wordpress This is the probably most powerfull Like Gate available on the internet, you can setup your fan and non fan content in wordpress. You can use music players,videos,HTML content and much more! The power of wordpress is now connected to facebook. This is an very effective way to inrease your fans. Some Exa...