Images and Media

Auto Image Gallery

Auto Image Gallery

The Auto Image Gallery is a ASP .NET user control which can be inserted into your web site and provide automatic thumbnail generation for a image gallery based on whatever files exist in your defined image gallery folder. Features: Automatic cropped thumbnail generation Lightbox integration Unlimited number of subfolders Lots of configurable options



ImageHandler is .NET library that allows you to manipulate images on the fly. And it’s all WPF techonology!. Features (v. 2.0): Scaling Cropping GrayScale Horizontal / Vertical flipping 90 degrees steps rotation Watermarks Round corners Encryption system to hide the original image Caching Save modified images (with the core project) So, with this component, you can resize images to make thumbnails without manual generation of miniature fi...

Google Picasa Gallery & API

Google Picasa Gallery & API

Info An easy-to-use controller for accessing Google Picasa web albums. A complete gallery demo is also provided that is usable out-of-the-box! You can directly use the code for the gallery in your own project or completely revamp it into a custom solution. Additionally, you can use the API to integrate Picasa into your own site quickly and easily (less than 3 lines of code!). The gallery uses jQuery and FancyBox to display photos from alb...

Asp.Net Multi Image Uploader and Resizer

Asp.Net Multi Image Uploader and Resizer

Easily upload multiple high quality images. Create thumbnail images and unique file names for your images. Set your custom upload button. Upload 1 or more image at the same time. For this you need to change UploadCount variable. Change the quality of uploaded images. Use your own File Upload controls and buttons.

Web Cam Capture Asp.Net&Flash

Web Cam Capture Asp.Net&Flash

Capture image from web cam. Save your server fastest way. Flash swf [as3] and Asp.Net[3.5] Live Demo