
Wordpress To Android App

Wordpress To Android App

Wordpress To Android App is native Android application that shows the latest RSS feed from the wordpress blog by category. Code of app is noob friendly so everybody can easily create their own native app in 5 minutes. I’ll assume that you’ve never met with creating Android apps so we’ll explain everything from the beginning. In our demo we use the WordPress News blog as an example of an RSS reader.

Ultimate Blog App

Ultimate Blog App

About Ultimate Blog is a Titanium Mobile application developed for Blog and Web Site owners. Building mobile app for web or blog can be very expensive and time consuming. This is all in one app. It is configurable through one file only. So you will need very basic programing knowledge. App works in iPhone ( all models including iPhone5 ), iPad and on all Android devices and versions. App is well structured into Modules, so it is stable, easy t...

Company Profile Android App Template

Company Profile Android App Template

iCompany Profile App Template is a native (java) template for Android application to demonstrate your company profile, service, contact and more. In this app you can add your about, portfolio, services, client etc of your company and also can integrate with your main website. Not only that you can add your contact with address, phone number, email address, your location in MapView and your social media network like facebook, twitter. This temp...

Custom Calendar

Custom Calendar

Custom Calendar Android App Features: > Easy to use > 5 Themes – original, red, green, blue, black > Support 97% of all devices > Easy Customization > Well Documented If you need good looking easy to use custom android calendar – this is your choice.

ProgressBar Styles 01 for Android

ProgressBar Styles 01 for Android

This file includes 36 new styles for the regular Android Holo ProgressBar (12 versions sized large, medium and small). Each style is designed to support multi-resolution (xhdpi, hdpi, mdpi). Here’s a list for all of them: AlarmProgressBar AlarmProgressBar.Large AlarmProgressBar.Small AlarmProgressBar.Light AlarmProgressBar.Large.Light AlarmProgressBar.Small.Light BatteryProgressBar BatteryProgressBar.Large BatteryProgressBar.Small ...

Time Tracker app

Time Tracker app

This iOS project is a full application with design, icon, ready to be submitted to the App Store. With this app you can easily log your daily time, seeing how many hours you spent on eating, driving or walking your dog per day. On the main screen you see a timer and your activities for the current day. You can add as many activities as you want, since this app uses Core Data to store the activities and the history. If you’re a freelancer, ...

Internet Radio App With Device Compatible UI

Internet Radio App With Device Compatible UI

iRadio is a native android live internet radio application with AdMob and Device Compatible UI . Working with shoutcast server.If , you are an online streaming radio station owner? then it’s for you. Easy to Customize source code or you can change your station name, stream url station fanpage url,station logo, background image,splash screen etc what you want. Just need to build it in eclipse and then can Up to Google Play store. Feature: 1....

A Business Template Universal Edition

A Business Template Universal Edition

Summary: „A Business Template – Universal Edition“ is a clean and elegant iOS5+ App Template to get your content or data-driven App started (including a full XCode Project, PSD files with Slicy support, App Icon PSD’s, Launch Image PSD’s, Icon Samples and pre-sliced Assets, iPad & iPhone ready). Well suited for bloggers as well! Turn your Wordpress blog into a native iOS app with very little effort. This template is also ideal for...

Kitchen Recipe App

Kitchen Recipe App

Descriptions Kitchen Recipe App is an app created using JQuery Mobile framework for any Mobile Platform like IOS, Android, Blackbery and many other devices. This app created by two menus category, Recipe Category and About App. In Recipe Category have 6 menu recipe and you can add more. About App is menu for display about in this app.In this file have 2 file in 1 main file, for quest and admin. Different of that 2 file is Kitchen Recipe App fo...

Vehicle Logger app

Vehicle Logger app

Simple app to log the expenses for any vehicle. Add a new vehicle by selecting it’s brand, image, purchase, production dates and other important ones (e.g.: insurance validity date) and good to go. Open the freshly added vehicle’s detail screen and add expenses. It’s up to you what you specify, being a fine, fuel or repair, just choose the proper type and hit done. You can even add note to each expenses.This project uses custom view animation,...