VimeoLib - Vimeo Simple API Class

Last Update
6 April 2011
Regular License
Extended License

With VimeoLib you get a easy-to-use, full-featured and ready-to-go Vimeo Simple API wrapper class. It takes care of building up the requests for you and converts the results to your desired format. You are able to display various user infos, such as profile infos, liked videos, appearances in videos, subscriptions to groups and channels, what he did and what happened to him and a whole lot more. Get details about videos, albums, groups, channels and even retrieve customizable video embed codes.You can view the whole documentation as an Online-Version!Requirements: PHP 5.2+ cURL PHP Extension (Optional) If the cURL PHP extension is not available, the class will use PHPs native functions to execute the API-Calls.If you want to modify/tweak/extend the class, you should have at least basic PHP knowledge.Support If you have any further questions or you need support using or configurating this script, feel absolutely free to open a support ticket at my support site You can also use this items comments section for any presale questions. I will do my very best to help and assist you as quick as possible, but please also note that I cannot do any extensive customizations.