Clickr - The link and download counter

Last Update
8 September 2009
Regular License
Extended License

Clickr provides a platform for you to track hits to your links from around the web.

Using either the Admin Panel or simple API you create short tracking links which redirect the user to the full URL , taking a log of their visit on the way.

This script provides an admin panel where you can overview stats about all links created – stats include total hits, unique visits (determined by IP address), visits in last day/week/month, top referrers and last 5 visits.

Use as a download counter! You can output stats about your links using either PHP or Javascript (for HTML pages. This allows the script to also be used as a download counter or similar

“Twitter Friendly” urls While this isn’t a full short URL scripts the tracking urls are pretty short (although the full length will depend on your domain and install directory!). This is helpful for use in social promotion such as twitter.

DEMOS Here is a sample tracking URL : (it will redirect you to

Here is an admin demo: – login with the default password: password

Here is a demo counter: