jQuery Sliding Puzzle

Last Update
18 October 2012
Regular License
Extended License

21 January ‘12: update approved that removes debug messages (as discussed in comments)

Hey and welcome to my very first CodeCanyon file. It was about time I ventured these hillsides – I’m more of a coder than a designer by nature anyway. I figured I’d break the ice the only way I knew how: with a game!

It’s really simple to set up and has great default settings for easy implementing, but also offers a great variety of options to customize. Feature include:

Infinite amount of images Multiple puzzles on one page is easily possible Rows, columns, width, height, everything edited easily Transition times configurable Fully standards-compliant and great crossbrowser support. Very light-weight Easy to implement Extensively documented

There are countless uses to explore with this very original way of showing your images and illustrations!


If you are trying to customize something, but you’re not quite succeeding, or you just want me to make a few changes for you, you can always contact me!

Joost’s latest file:

Other files by Joost: