Titanium : Gallery Module

Last Update
6 April 2011
Regular License
Extended License

This gallery will make your life easier, it looks kinda like the iPhoto gallery, but excludes the slide show functions. This gallery supports remote and local images as well as retina images (@2x).

All you have to do is setup an array with image urls and your good to go, Th gallery is written in so that any object with a click event can start a gallery (possibilities are endless).

A demo project has been included with allot of comments on how this plugin works. tested with iOS 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, this gallery is stable as hell, i have tested it with around 300+ pictures and it still runs fine

Don’t forget to check out the demo movie, In this movie i will open the gallery from a view colored in red, the pictures are loaded from a remote website!

Key Features

Remote and Local images Retina support Photo Controls Email Support (Version 1.1) Slide Show (Version 1.2) Pinch Zooming Landscape and Portrait Photo Counter Flexible Easy to modify Rich Documentend


For further information or for feature requests please vistit http://kiwiii.nl or email me at j.meulenhoff@me.com

Update : 23-03-11

As Requested i have updated this version of the gallery, it has now email support, you can email a gallery picture to a recipient. To do so press the mail icon on the right in the gallery control screen. An email dialog will pop up with your image shown.

Update : 05-04-11

As it was alway’s the plan to add Slideshow functionality, i have done so, you now have a play button, when clicked you have a fully automated slide show when the user interacts with the screen it will be canceled. Hope you like the new update !, The update is now available!

For more feature requests you know how to contact me. For support go to here