Readable Password Generator

Last Update
11 March 2011
Regular License
Extended License

This small PHP script generates human-readable passwords. It requires PHP 4 .2.0 or greater – and that’s it! This is a pure PHP solution with no styling or JavaScript – so you can make this script do what you want. This script does not use a dictionary to generate passwords but generates ‘believable’ words using English grammar rules!

Use PHP to include the code in your own website and then use the one line of code to generate random passwords! With a customisable format (prefixes, suffixes, number of syllables) this script generates millions of possible passwords – ideal for emailing to users upon registration!

The script is light-weight, makes no use of databases or PHP extensions and won’t bog down your web-page!


Generates readable passwords Pure PHP – no JavaScript Easy-to-use – one line of code Customisable – change password complexity Light-weight – won’t bog down your web-page Doesn’t use a dictionary to generate passwords – increases security by generating ‘believable’ words based on English grammar rules

Usage This script requires one “include” and then one line of code: require_once('readablePassword.php'); echo readablePassword(); Simple and effective!

Notice Please note that I obviously can’t be held liable for the security of these passwords. Whilst common words are avoided, no script can guarantee 100% security! Please use common sense