Tycoon CRM

Last Update
1 March 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Tycoon CRM is a customers/clients/employees resume manager written in PHP /MySQL. It is entirely browser-based, multi-user and multi-language.

Tycoon CRM is meant to be used by a group of people sharing the same database, and diferrent access levels, based on user and password.

Level 1 user has access to all databases, but does not see contact addresses, phone numbers, or IDs.

Level 2 user has access to employed users only and sees photos, names, workplaces and descriptions.

Users cannot add, edit or remove resumes, do not have access to configuration and cannot add, edit or delete categories.

Tycoon CRM has advanced functions for adding, viewing, editing, deleting, sorting and filtering resumes, with dynamic categories and advanced search. It also features, pagination, rows per page, quick previous/next, first/last links.

It features, CSV import/export options, easy-to-use localization files and more!

Find a demo here: http://getbutterfly.com/demo/tycoon-crm/