Primarius Multiple SiteBuilder

Last Update
24 August 2009
Regular License

Primarius Multiple SiteBuilder is a PHP script created for designers that need a simple way to create and manage multiple websites for their clients.

One script can manage unlimited number of individual websites and each Client can manage his/her own website through a simple interface.

Each website can have: Multiple pages (with individual page Titles and META information) News Image Galleries Documents Contact Forms A website can also have a disk space quota, a custom template and an expiration date can be set, so the site can be automatically disabled.

Each website is created in a custom named folder (e.g. so it is easy to use domain forwarding.

A simple website template is included as well as detailed instructions on how to create your own!


Unlimited number of clients. Unlimited number of websites for each client. Client can manage his/her website from simple back-office with WYSIWYG editor. Unique templates for each site. Templates are simple HTML /CSS files! Simple Instalation Try our demo!

Admin login: admin Admin password: admin

Client login: demo Client password: demo

Back-office Demo client website Demo client website with custom template #1 Demo client website with custom template #2 demo templates from


Download the manual


We can be reached at .


Security Update – 1st September 2009 This minor update fixes some security bugs. Changed file: “index.php” inside “core/data”. Be sure to also upload this file to all your client websites. Version 1.1 – 26th August 2009

You can now insert META tags and description to each individual page Each individual page can have a different page title. WYSIWYG editor updated to latest version, works in ALL major browsers (Safari included). Changed default template to UTF -8. Various bugs resolved.