Fancy News - jQuery plugin

Last Update
4 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Fancy News is a jQuery plugin that lets you create an outstanding news slider. It´s highly customizable and very easy to use. You can add umlimited of news with thumbnails. If the post is longer than the height of the main area, a cool scrollbar will be added automatically. You can also load your own RSS feed.

Updates 2.0.1 – 4.8.2013

Updated scrollbar plugin, so its working with jquery 1.9 or higher

2.0 – 29.1.2013 Better semantic HTML Responsive Infinite Loop Now it also supports vertical scrolling Links on preview elements for self-written articles Callback function that will be called when the list is created Stop auto-scrolling when switching to another window/tab

1.3 – 27.4.2011 Now working for IE9, when you have an older version than 1.3, just download the latest jquery. It was a jQuery bug that it didnt work in IE9. Set the target window by yourself.

1.2 – 5.March 2011

Now you need no more php for loading the RSS feed, because some users had problems with loading the RSS feed, I find a better solution for it, which will load your feed definitly as long as it´s really a RSS feed. Spy Effect, which lets your posts automatically scroll. You can set the time for it in the options. More comments in the code, which explain each style sheet in the CSS and improved documentation.

1.1 – 13.February 2011

Load an external or internal RSS feed. Could be also a feedburner link. So you can use it with wordpress. Multiple usage in one site

Using SimplePie Library to display images from Feeds Because I got some much questions how to display images from a RSS feed, I would like to point you to the SimplePie library. With help of this library you can create the HTML for Fancy News. So instead of adding the Feed Link in the option of the plugin, you add it to a SimplePie Reference.It also enables you to use ATOM feeds and you can merge feeds from different site to one HTML output.

To get started with it, please check out this site:SimplePie Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, and ScreencastsThird-party plugins used in this plugin