ShowCase - a gallery powered by CodeIgniter

Last Update
19 August 2009
Regular License
Extended License

UPDATED 2009-10-09 New features

added a RSS feed system Item description Comment system Now you can feature an item Smarter thumbnail generator A new theme (See here) Fixed small bugs

Overview ShowCase is a simple system that allows you to create galleries. There are many systems like this built over WordPress. I know the power of WP, but if you want something simple and objective this script is perfect to you. It was developed with the framework CodeIgniter and has a lot features:

Upload, resize and create thumbnail automatially; You can track clicks and views of each item; Create pages with a powerfull WYSIWYG editor; Manage banners with click counter; You can list the gallery entries by views, clicks, lasted and more; A Simple but powerfull control panel Easy to install; help file teaching how to create new themes

If you are following the serie CodeIgniter from Sctratch this script will help you with CI. I used:

Custom Libraries Custom Helpers Custom Configs Models

Try it!

Live preview Admin Panel (the changes you make here won’t affect the live preview)

login: admin pass: buyme

html templates