
Last Update
14 February 2011
Regular License
Extended License


EzRegEx is a small PHP class to help you verify certain strings, for example email-addresses or URLs. Additionally, you can check a string via AJAX and jQuery without reloading the website. This is useful for any kind of form validation like a contact form. Furthermore, the user is able to limit the length of strings to be valid as well as to add modifiers manually.

You do not need to look up regular expressions anymore just to check if the user entered valid data. Generally, you would search the web for a certain regular expression that you have already searched several times for. With the EzRegEx class, it spares a lot of time for both amateur and expert web programmers since the most common regular expressions can be accessed in an instant. In addition, you do not need any knowledge about regular expressions!

Changelog * 1.2 Added German umlauts to email validation