NewsBoy - Simple (yet powerful) blog framework.

Last Update
17 August 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Newsboy is a blog system framework. It can be used out of the box to create and manage a simple blog, but its true power rests in it’s clear and powerful class that contains all the methods you need to build your own blogging system with ease. The administration panel supports multiple users and categories, comments moderation plus images upload and resizing. NewsBoy has been written so that new features can be added with ease, thanks to its clear methods and the support for plugins. Features:

Powerful admin with multiple users and categories Pagination Images upload and resizing, one click add to the editor. Supports jpg, gif and png with transparency. Comments both threaded and standard. Comments moderation WYSIWYG Editor (CKEditor) Full UTF -8 support Includes a complete blog example that can be used out of the box Filter articles by categories or dates while retaining the pagination Powerful class that can be used to create your own blog system Plugins system OOPhp with full PHP4 support Very easy to install and setup Very fast with clear and optimized db

Demo AdminDocumentation (PDF)

V1.6.1f (August 17th 2011) ->Fixed a bug in the installation process.

V1.6.1 (July 22th 2011) ->Increased security. ->Better date handling.

V1.6 (July 19th 2011) ->Added plugins system. ->Even better pagination. ->Fixed a small bug.

V1.5.1 (July 12th 2011) ->Better pagination. ->Fixed a small bug.

V1.5 (July 11th 2011) ->Added a full comments system. Threaded and standard, recatpcha and comment moderation from admin panel.

V1.3.1 (June 23th 2011) ->Fixed a bug that prevented user with PHP4 to login into the administration.

V1.3 (May 27th 2011) ->Added the option to display a thumbnail of the uploaded image near the article title. ->Added the option to strip html tags when printing an article ->Improved the HTML layout example. ->Fixed 3 bugs in the user administration.

V1.1 (April 11th 2011) ->Small bugfix with the custom upload directory.