Portfolio Premium WP Plugin

Last Update
24 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License


If you’ve been searching for a way to manage projects in a dynamic way, then look no further than ProFolio. Install the plugin in seconds and start building your dynamic portfolio today! Now great for product listings!

Latest Update: 2.0 (May 24, 2013)

New Features in ProFolio 2.0

New Metro Themes added!  Inspired by Windows 8. Compatible with Wordpress 3.5+

Brand new full documentation in every download and online! ProFolio is now fully responsive, so it’ll work flawlessly with your mobile devices! Now you can create your own filters!  Selling products rather than displaying a work portfolio? Not a problem, simply create a new filter called “Cameras” or whatever you want the category to be and set the database table to use as “project type” in the dropdown, it’s that simple.  Don’t forget to add your “Cameras” as a new project type. The default.css has been stripped into a skeleton (base) stylesheet so creating your own custom themes is easier than ever! A highly requested feature!  Show an excerpt from your projects description when filtering.

These are just a few of the new features added to ProFolio, buy it now to get the full experience!


Coming soon.


Manage unlimited project types

Capability for unlimited custom themes

3 different types of filters

Show online/offline status of your projects or just turn status off.

Add a project to multiple types

Description pages in customizable fancybox

Smooth sliding effect for filtering through types

Full portfolio management including project types, clients, online/offline status and more.

Add as many CSS styles as you like and change them in the settings panel of ProFolio.

This plugin uses the Fancybox jQuery plugin (shows the projects description and direct links) for easy navigation and usability.

More than a Portfolio

Use it as a gallery and show off your photography

Great for movie previews

Use it to display products from your affiliate programs

And so much more!


Check out the complete changelog


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Contributors: Justin Hubbard | Vijay Joshi

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