Articulate Articles

Last Update
14 August 2009
Regular License
Extended License

Articulate Articles is a simple to use CMS . It supports posts, pages, categories, comments, users/authors, and custom settings. There is a simple to use admin panel that controls everything besides three settings. There is a simple installer file that makes the process painless.


Installer script makes installation a breeze. Can be used right out of the box. Extensive documentation for templating and general use. Parts of the CMS include: posts, pages, categories. comments, users, and general setting. All being controlled from one admin panel. HTML in posts and pages. Easy to skin admin panel (with knowledge of HTML and CSS ) if desired. SEO friendly URLs. Image uploading. Custom fields in posts and pages for full CMS experience.


Demo Login:


Username: username Password: password

Note: HTML, changing the user’s password, and editing settings have all been disabled in the demo.

20 Sales:

User roles Inline theme editing.