Modal Feedback Form for WordPress

Last Update
9 December 2012
Regular License
Extended License

Our Modal Feedback Form for WordPress lets you easily add a feedback form to your WordPress blog – letting users submit feedback, and letting you view feedback + user information in your WordPress admin backend.

Its simple to get started – in most cases just activate the plugin and your ready!


Adds a ‘feedback’ button to your WordPress site Feedback form appears inside a modal window/lightbox (powered by FaceBox) Users can submit their feedback, email address, and mood Optionally be alerted by email, and view feedback via the WordPress backend. Capture the users IP address and user agent along with feedback. Installation

Upload the ninety-feedback plugin folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin from the WordPress admin panel Your ready! In the WP admin panel you will now see the ‘Feedback’ section. From the feedback section you can view (and remove) feedback From the feedback section you can also modify some settings (such as email notifications) Feedback form not showing? Modal windows not working?

Most good themes contain the required wp_head/wp_footer hooks – if yours does not you will need to add them to your theme’s header and footer.php files.

Additonal Notes / Support

If you find a bug with this plugin please give us full details in the comments section on CodeCanyon. From here we will assist.

However, we will not assist with styling and customisation issues – this is beyond the scope of support and should be performed by a developer/designer.

The form is provided as-is so if you want to add new fields etc etc go for it! Read above, just don’t ask us for instructions because its beyond the scope of the contact form we provide

Change Log

= 1.2.0 – 07.12.2012 = Full rewrite. Fixed a few markup bugs. Cleaned up the templates. Use wp_ajax for posting. Use wp list table for admin display.

= 1.1.1 – 09.02.2011 = Required email bug fix Small typo fixed Option duplicate removed

= 1.1.0 – 05.02.2011 = Added button text option IE bug with form submit handler should be rectified Option to turn off feedback button Option to make email non-required renamed is_ajax to prevent conflicts