PhotoGallery - iOS Xcode Project

Last Update
23 January 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Photo Gallery is a plug-and-play iOS application. Key features:

- Perfect for photographers and angencies.

- Simply drag and drop your photos in and define some stuff – It’s like magic!

- About screen included ( see SCREENSHOTS ).

- Easy to integrate into existing projects (I also include a tutorial for that).

- There are three video tutorials (english) included. Apps using PhotoGallery - WKF PhotoBook Belgrade 2010 CHANGELOG

23 January 11

The last viewed image is restored at application launch. It is now possible to have the number of photos (for example 1 of 6) in the navigation bar. An optional landscape mode has been added. Archive folder for WHATS NEW .mov files added. I show all the new features of this update in the WHATS NEW .mov file in the root directory.

19 January 11

Support for right to left direction and zoom. I explain them in the WHATS NEW .mov file (now in Archive folder).

17 January 11

Initial release

Please tell me suggestions for more full application projects for the iOS by e-mail.

Follow me for easy to customize projects, that do not require coding skills for iOS and Mac.