reformed -- Themeable Form Builder

Last Update
24 October 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Updated 10/22/2011





reformed is an HTML5 app that allows you to quickly and easily build robust, great-looking web forms. reformed forms are styled using the jQuery UI Themeroller tool (and the wonderful Uniform jQuery plugin for some form elements), so fine-tuning the look and feel of your form is a snap. Client-side validation is also built in, using the jQuery Validation library, and can be easily applied to any form element via a point-and-click interface.

And it gets even better—you can save your forms for later use or editing using reformed’s support for HTML5 localStorage, meaning your forms can be saved directly to your (modern) browser’s built-in storage area. (Supported browsers include IE8 +, Firefox 3.5+, Google Chrome, and Safari.)

reformed provides an intuitive and beautiful Form Builder, which lets you add, configure, and add validation to form elements to your form in just a few clicks. Several time-saving “helper” form controls are also available, such as a pop-up datepicker, state and country select dropdowns, and a simple human verification form element that provides a simpler and less obnoxious (i.e, captcha-free) means of preventing form abuse.

An advanced “edit” mode is also provided that will allow you to drag-and-drop form elements to rearrange their order (or even delete them) without touching the code. If you do need to make some changes to the HTML , this is also easy to do with a single button click.

A simple form processor script is included with reformed that will e-mail form results to your desired e-mail address, but reformed forms are compatible with any form processing script.

Comprehensive documentation is only a click away from any page, as are support requests. All supporting scripts (such as jQuery Validation and Uniform) are also included.

reformed is written in HTML , Javascript, and CSS , so it will run right in your browser. However, to utilize the localStorage feature, you’ll need to be running a local webserver (typically using a package such as WAMP or XAMPP ) and access reformed through localhost.

Save hours of tedious work and impress your friends with reformed – truly the quickest, easiest way to build great-looking web forms.

Updates: 10/22/2011: Version 1.7 Fixed crash when multiple validation options were added to multiple form fields 2/6/2011: Version 1.5 Fixed bug where reset buttons were always added to saved forms (thanks for the catch, silverskymedia). 2/1/2011: Version 1.4 Corrected help file (contained incomplete instructions on adding validation to your form; please see the link included at the top of this description for updated instructions if you haven’t downloaded the latest version). 12/27/2010: Version 1.1 Fixed a minor issue where unnecessary classes were sometimes not stripped from generated form code.