
Last Update
20 December 2010
Regular License

Ultimate video player, monetization, and file security plugin for WordPress & Amazon S3. If you share Amazon S3 files on your WordPress site(s), then you must get S3Vault.

Ultimate Features:

Hotlink Protection: Make “Hotlinking” to Your Amazon S3 Files Impossible!

Expiring URLs: Auto expiring URLs for embedded content each time the page loads.

Multiple Formats: Embedd PDF , ZIP, Audio, Video or any other format in your content.

Video Player Video Player Flash Player Supports SWF , FLV files.

Monetization Display ADs on your videos with full HTML capabilities. Include clickable links or banner images, which can’t be ignored.

Easy License Unlimited site license allows you to use S3Vault on your client’s sites too.

User Guide / Demo Please download this user guide which shows step-by-step how to install and use the S3Vault.