uPricing - Pricing Table for Wordpress

Last Update
25 October 2012
Regular License
Extended License

uPricing is a pricing table for WordPress. We have been developing it for our WordPress themes, but have decided to release it as a standalone plugin. It is a premium quality Pricing Table with a nicely polished WordPress admin.


Live Preview Editor Customizable fonts Customizable Colors Property Dividers CSS3 Ribbons Tooltips Multiple Themes Product-oriented Workflow Easy to set up and use Good documentation Easy to integrate with other plugins

We believe that with a feature set like this it will be of great value to both, new WordPress users as well as seasoned expert users and developers, that would like to include it with their own themes.

With that in mind it supports the widest variety of platforms possible. We support WordPress from 3.4. On the front end we support all major browsers. We are also committed to supporting as many platforms as possible, so if you feel we missed some, drop us an email and we’ll see what we can do.

We’ve updated uPricing with what have our customers been requesting from us in the past, namely we’ve added tooltips, improved HTML Call to action support, added property dividers, but we’ve added some other things not on the list, such as CSS3 Ribbons with customizable text, CSS3 -based featured column highlighting and more!

Happy blogging, UDS

Support Please use our support forums at http://udesignstudios.net/support


Version 2.0.2 (25. Oct 2012):

Improved: Compatibility with Woo Themes Fixed: Output Escaping Fixed: Product Deleting issue

Version 2.0.1 (25. Jul 2012):

Added: Table Renaming and Duplication Improved: Compatibility with PHP < 5.3 Fixed: Import from 1.0.0 Fixed: Escaping issues

Version 2.0.0 (18. Jul 2012):

Added: New Admin UI Added: Customizable Colors Added: Customizable Fonts Added: Dividers Added: Support for HTML buttons Added: Tooltips Added: CSS3 layout option Added: CSS3 ribbons

Version 1.0.1 (24. Feb 2012):

Added: Tooltip support Fix: issues that could cause incompatibility with some themes