Wordpress carousel gallery

Last Update
7 December 2010
Regular License
Extended License

Plugin description :

With this plugin , you can display a customizable Flash Gallery , on your Wordpress website .

You can set different options :

a gallery identifier

the plugin width

the plugin height

a magnifying glass

the thumbnail images width

the thumbnail border color

the carousel radius

the carousel horizontal position

the carousel vertical position

You can use a « browse » button to select images and upload them on your server , knowing that the weight of large images is automatically reduced .

You can also remove images from your gallery :

either , in one go

or , on a case by case basis

Screencast tutorial and documentation :

A screencast tutorial of this Wordpress carousel gallery plugin is available at the following address :


A documentation of this Wordpress carousel gallery plugin is available in the plugin package and also online , at the following address :


Technical constrainsts :

Galleries ID must be integer values that are successive .

Recommended Max image size to upload : 150 Ko .

The maximum number of authorized uploads per gallery is 10 to avoid images overlapping , because of their elliptical orbit .

The authorized images extensions are either png or jpg or jpeg .

The full size images that are uploaded correspond only to given plugin width and plugin height .

Therefore, to be sure that the final result meets your expectations, be sure to fill in the «  plugin width » and « plugin height » fields before you upload your images .

If you realize too late that you are not using the correct values of plugin width and plugin height, do not hesitate to use the procedure available in the plugin documentation , which allows you to remove images from your gallery , then correct the values of plugin width and plugin height and reimport your images .

System requirements :

Wordpress 3.0.1 content management system ( CMS )

PHP 5 .2.5 or Higher is needed to create the XML file which contains the parameters to be passed to the Flash movieclip .

Users must have a Flash player installed, which is able to read swf ( version 8 ) files .