Client Works

Last Update
21 June 2009
Regular License

v2 Notice As most of you know, I had promised an updated version of Client Works adding new features. It was delayed and as many of have expected, it will not be released. Things have changed and I have shifted my focus to other things. I apologize and I will continue to support any issues with v1. Thank you. Overview Client Works is a simple, yet effective way for web designers and developers to manage their clients and offer them an easy way to stay current on the progress of their project as well as make payments using PayPal. You won’t find thousands of little options here that you don’t need, only straight and to the point client management. While Client Works already has a simple, but effective interface you can easily integrate it into your own design. Client Works is run on your own server which gives you full control over all aspects of it. Features

Easy to install Easy to edit configuration file Admin dashboard to add and edit client information Full control over code Client login page Upload/download files Discuss the project with client Multiple payments Payment Tracking Quick and easy client payment using PayPal Client peace of mind knowing how the project is progressing Works in all major browsers (IE6 untested) Constantly adding new features and updates

Help & Support You can send me a message through my den page or click here to view the Client Works homepage and read the documentation. View update changelog here. More on v2 Version 2 of Client Works will be (almost) completely different from v1. It is written on a new code base and will be much cleaner code wise. As far as functionality, I am still going for simplicity rather than all of the bells and whistles. It will, however, be vastly different than the current version of Client Works.