Geo Location Saver - Local Database

Last Update
30 November 2010
Regular License
Extended License

This example is for a Geo Location iOS template built on Appcelerator’s Titanium. This boilerplate template has standard styling except for the icons. From here you can apply your own graphics and functionality.

Geo Saver includes: - Tab Layout with Icons, - Working Form & Save Button - Working Delete from DB - Geo Location Functionality - Reverse Geo Coding to get nearest village and city - Built in SQLite database to store geo data - Google Map intergration

If you’re new to Titanium, it’s important to understand how it works. In short: Code in javascript and your app ends up compiled as a native app that uses native iOS APIs. This app is not based a browser-based app. This app will end up being a native iOS app using Titanium’s API . To find out more, please visit