PHP + FFMPEG video converter 2.0 Pro

Last Update
7 February 2011
Regular License
Extended License

Update: 07.Feb.2011.

- improved output video quality for all formats

all who has already purchased this script, please download it againUpdate: 1.Dec.2010.

input video name now can contain special characters

Video preview thumbnail slideshow ->fixed bug for Internet Explorer.Now IE users can view video slideshow normaly

Conversion options:

- Upload & convert - Convert from url - Cron job including: Flash xml video uploader (AS3)Features: - supported input files: 3gp, avi, mpg, mpeg, mpe4, mov, m4a, mj2, flv, wmv, mp3, ogg, webm - converts to .flv, mp4, avi, wmv, mp3, ogg, webm - custom audio & video quality - custom video size - calculate video duration in next format 00:00:00 (hh:mm:ss) - upload progress bar - conversion progress bar - custom number of extracted images - custom size of extracted images - video preview with slideshow of extracted images on mouse over( like seen on - auto reloading pages when part of process is finished (no need to wait for click) - everything is stored in database - easier usage

Flash uploader – xml driven – all tweeneng made by AS3 – auto load next page after uploading is finished (with 10 sec. delay – can be set in AS) – max. input file size, suported input types, where to go after uploading is finished and displaying status messages can be set in xml file – CS3 & CS4 .fla – can be used for uploading other types of files, like documents or images. Explination in help file.

Convert from url:

-. support downloading and converting videos from internet (if video is allowed to be download) - sample of link: - custom maximum allowed video size - all features mention above

Cron job – Upload now and convert later

User can upload and set output quality for output video, when cron job is started conversion is made automaticly and after conversion is finished, it sends the user link for download new video (via e-mail in this example)

All info about uploaded and converted video is stored in database

Note: - this package does not contain info about how to set up cron job on your server, but it contains php file which should be started as a cron job - this package does not include ffmpeg