Image Effects Pack - jQuery Powered

Last Update
21 November 2010
Regular License
Extended License

WordPress version

Intro A pack of premium image effects to enhance your website user experience. Features

6 image effects – with unlimited possibilities

Wordpress compatible

easy install

What’s included?

documentation js files ( both minified and uncompressed for developers ), css files, demo html file, some images


Installation is very simple, just copy the js folder in your html folder (or in the wordpress root folder if you want it in wp ) just write this in your html/post ( preferably in your ‘head’ tag’ ) <script src="js/imageeffects.min.js"></script>

and that’s it !

for applying a image effect you just add the specific class to it, example: <img src="img/2.jpg" class="effectoverlay" />

As simple as that. Example files & code are provided so you can’t go wrong with it.

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