Folium - Responsive Ajax Portfolio

Last Update
28 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Folium is a fully responsive ajax driven portfolio plugin. Features

Fully responsive FontAwesome ready Touch enabled Colorbox included Carousel included Scroll content included Load next and prev with AJAX Multiple categories & lots of options…

Some screenshots:

How to install

Upload the files to the wp-content/plugins/ folder. Activate the plugin. Create portfolio items

How to use

Enter a portfolio title Enter the text you want to go with the portfolio item You add images in the “Folium Portfolio gallery” You set a featured image (this will become the tile image) And if you want you can set a category Now publish the item and add the shortcode from above somewhere Add the shortcode to the page where you want to display the teamers like so:[folium_portfolio]

How to use the shortcode There are several options to the shortcode wich I will explain below.

Normal, no options, all portfolio items will be shown.[folium_portfolio]

Set to only retrieve a single category.[folium_portfolio folium_category="categoryslugname"]