FlexibleColumns - jQuery plugin

Last Update
21 November 2010
Regular License


Align the blocks in the horizontal direction two different ways. Alignment blocks by the highest block altitude.

Main Purpose The implementation of features in Wordpress themes. Prehistory In the process of working with WordPress I really did not like the organization of the footer sidebar, and columns in the content pages.As the saying goes – “laziness is the engine of progress”. And indeed it is. Was too lazy to create multiple sidebars. Was too lazy to remember a lot of shortcodes, such as OneHalf, TwoThree, ThreeFifthLast, etc. Besides these shortcodes have had success only to full width pages, but as soon as this page appears sidebar, all at once to crumble as the columns have a fixed width. From here came the idea to make a jQuery plugin that would be able to easily solve such problems.In resulting I made a simple to use but very useful plugin. This plugin is able to align the blocks horizontally in two different ways, as well as leveling the height of the blocks. Requirements

jQuery 1.4+ and your flight of fancy where it could use more:)

Bonus As a bonus, are ready to use, WP shortcodes to create columns in the content pages.