userVerification PHP Class

Last Update
4 November 2010
Regular License

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About the userVerification PHP Class

The userVerification PHP Class allows you to verify if users are really the owner of an account at Envato marketplace for example, or the owner of a domain. Of course you could use this class in much more ways.

How does it work?

Let’s say you are an author at the Envato marketplace and you want to setup a support forum. But you only want to allow members of the marketplace, so you need to have some something that can validate this.

This is where the userVerification PHP Class comes in =) It allows you to check remote locations and search for a specific tag. Google uses this method to see if you are the owner of a domain.

So when the users signs up you ask them to enter there Envato username. The user get’s a key returned that he or she must add to there profile page.

E.g [key:8Ad7za]

Once the user has added the tag to there profile page and saved it, they can continue there signup if the key has been found.


File_get_contents & Curl support Auto key generator Custom regular expression options

Your download will contain:

Documentation The userVerification Class A demo file

I’ve added a demo! You can try it yourself or just enter my name: Philo01 I have the key listed on my Profile page.

Please note, if you enter a invalid username you will get an error: Unable to reach host.