WordPress Live Chat with Web- & Windows Clients

Last Update
19 August 2013
Regular License

The ClientEngage Visitor Chat for WordPress is a fully-featured real-time chat for your WordPress websites. A clear and simple web-based administration allows you to conveniently chat with your visitors. Unlimited Live-Chatting Without Recurring Fees VisitorChat works within your WordPress-installation and there are absolutely no recurring fees: for merely $30 you can start engaging your visitors in real-time conversations. Extra-Goodie for Windows Users And best of all: Visitor Chat for WordPress comes with a Windows-based client out-of-the-box. Without having to visit the Visitor Chat’s admin-interface you will be notified from your Windows tray and can start chatting straight away! Not using Windows? No problem! You can use the web-client with any modern browser on all major platforms.

Visitor Demo: http://visitorchat-wordpress.clientengage.com/Admin Demo: http://visitorchat-wordpress.clientengage.com/wp-admin

Functionality Overview

Fully-Featured Live Chat for your WordPress Website Non-intrusive chat for your WordPress websites Clear administrator chat-interface View additional metadata of your visitors (pages they are on, referrers, and more) One-time fee: no recurring costs Works with network sites (acts like totally separate chat-installations) Easy to translate

Windows-based client included Don’t want to keep a browser window open all day long? You are notified of new visitors in real-time and can start chatting straight through the Windows-based client The chat disappears to your system tray until you have a visitor opening the chat

Adaptable Templates & Translations Have a chat that fully blends with the look and feel of your website Comes with four pre-defined colour schemes You can create an unlimited number of new chat styles and you have full control over the CSS All visitor-facing texts can be easily changed

Easy Integration & Use Simply install the plugin through WordPress Adapt the CSS to match your site’s design

Multilingual Interface

ClientEngage Visitor Chat was built with internationalisation in mind: currently, you can select from English as well as German.

System Requirements

In order to be able to use ClientEngage Visitor Chat, you must fulfil the following system requirements:

WordPress 3.3 PHP with a version of greater than PHP 5 MySQL with a version of greater than MySQL 5 (i.e. with InnoDB support) Enough server-resources for the number of concurrent chatters you expect

System requirements of the Windows-based client

.NET4 Framework (will be installed if not already available) Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8

A note on server performance

This chat system employs AJAX technologies and does not rely on WebSockets for its communication. This means that anyone can run Visitor Chat, as long as your server fulfils the requirements outlined below. However, this also means that this system is not intended for heavy-duty use: so don’t build the next Facebook and try to have 10m people use this at once. That being said, on average server-specifications, there is nothing stopping you from having 10-15 concurrent conversations.

A note on chat-styles

The chat looks beautiful across all modern platforms and browsers. However, the chat-box may look “out of place” if you have CSS styles on your website that affect whole tags (such as “div {margin:50px;}” or “span {padding:50px;}”). In such cases, you may have to edit the Chat-Style for that particular website to override your styles.

Changelog 17/08/2013: - Public release of ClientEngage Visitor Chat v1.0.5

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