Bubble Tooltip Animated jQuery Plugin

Last Update
13 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

With this jQuery plugin you can:

Use this item to highlight some areas of your site by adding tooltips(using the wizard mode with autoscroll enabled )

- add tooltip to any html tag(by adding title tag – title tag will be replaced with the plugin tooltip too keep the compatibility just in case javascriptis disabled)

- add a wizard of tooltips

- add a custom function for where the tooltip finish

- set the animation duration

- customize/create themes from js or css file

- automatically rotation of the bubble on screen size

In this jQuery plugin is included and a wordpress pluginversion( you can view a preview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j_8MbYQYRc)

Any question/problems will be solved in no more then 8hours

The zip file contains: documentation, example, the main.js file and a compressed javascript version.