EasyLogin - User Membership System

Last Update
24 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

EasyLogin is a simple to configure user membership system for your website but with tons of features. Integrate this awesome script in your website in just few minutes.

Demo: http://demo.hazzardweb.net/easylogin (use admin & admin for full permissions) Docs: http://demo.hazzardweb.net/easylogin/docs How to video: http://youtu.be/dD_Y7SM_0ZQ


AJAX Driven System - All of the form are submitted with AJAX to minimize page refreshes and for a better user experience.

Modal System - All actions are made via dialog prompts so you don’t have to redirect users to a specific page to login/sign up or change any settings of their accounts.

Login & Sign up - Login or create a new account.

Facebook & Google+ OAuth - Use your Facebook or Google+ account to login/sign up without completing any form.

Email activation - Users have to activate their accounts via a email activation link.

Password recover - Request a email recover link to reset your password.

Account Settings - Change your account information or other settings.

Profile Pictures - Upload a image from your computer or use your Webcam to take a picture for your profile avatar. You can use Gravatar or if you have logged with your Facebook or Google+ account you can use the profile picture from those.

User roles - Users can have the role of a simple user or an admin.

Admin Control Panel - View, edit, delete users via a simple admin interface.

Email System - Send emails to users in no time via the Admin Control Panel.

PHPMailer - with your server email or even with your Gmail account.

User Meta System - Build in functions that allows you to add new fields for users.

Easy to translate - Change all of the script translations in few minutes.

JavaScript Templates - All of the modals are rendered wiht JavaScript templates, so you can make any changes in no time.

Requirements: PHP 5.1, MySQL, cURL (only if you use Facebook & Google+), OpenSSL (only if you use Gmail Mailer)Want more ? Want something that’s not here ? Leave a comment or send me a message !ChangeLog 1.2.2 (23/08/2013)

Fixed Edit User and Role Display Twitter icon when connected Added Last IP option (via user meta field)

1.2.1 (22/08/2013) fixed Google API bug 1.2 (19/08/2013)

Added login with Twitter Add new user feature in admin Added profile page Add roles feature Custom fields with more options Fixed crop bug & other bugs

1.1.1 (13/08/2013)

Fixed login password bug Fixed scroll bug

1.1 (12/08/2013)

Better file organization Fixed delete user bug in ACP

1.0 (11/08/2013) – Initial Release