Error & Event Logger

Last Update
18 August 2013
Regular License

This is a beta version – it is full featured and stable – I’m just waiting for user requests before I wrap it up.

Demo Login User: demoPass: demo Scroll to bottom of page and click any point on the chart!

Installation & Help videos at the bottom of this page.

WordPress Compatible Install this on your WordPress site to catch errors and decrease page load times! After installing on a WooCommerce WordPress site – I discovered a number of errors in the WooCommerce plugin as well as some of their extensions. After fixing them – pages loaded about 2 seconds faster!

Install Log Server

Upload the file and directory to your server. Setup a database. Edit the config file and run the error_logger/install.php file. Done!

4 ways to log errors / events

Send them to the Error Logger Server Send them to multiple email address (can be filtered by error type) print them on the screen (great for debugging on the spot) send them to a local error log file

You can enable or disable each one independently – and they all work together as well.

Invoke on ANY & ALL your domains Upload the “error_catcher.php” file and add the following bit of code to any PHP page (or a global file) to invoke Error Logger and start logging errors. You can upload this single file and paste this snippet of code on as many domains as you want – All domains will send the errors to your Error Logger Server – so you can check all errors from one convenient location!! <?php include_once("/absolute/path/to/error_catcher.php"); $ErrorLogger = new ErrorLogger();

$ErrorLogger->enable_error(true, E_ALL); $ErrorLogger->enable_fatal(true);

// Log methods $ErrorLogger->set_local_file(TRUE, dirname(__FILE__) . '/path/to/dir/'); //$ErrorLogger->set_print(TRUE); $ErrorLogger->set_remote_server(TRUE, array('server'=>'', 'psk'=>'Y0uR_P5k'));

$ErrorLogger->set_email(TRUE, array( array('email' => ''), //will be emailed EVERY error set by enable_error above (line 7) array('email' => '', 'type'=>array('Fatal', 'Warning')), //will only be email when Fatal or Warning ) );

$ErrorLogger->set_ignore(TRUE, array( 'register_globals', 'any string you want', ) ); ?>

  This has only been tested on a Linux server – not yet tested on a *AMP (home server).  

Error & Event Logger was built using my Database Code Generator script. My Randomator Database Stuffit Generator generated over 100,000 errors for stress and performance testing. I used my Code Repository Snippet Manager script to reduce development time! And My PHP Version Finder says this script requires PHP 5.2 or higher

Help Videos InstallConfigImportServerExampleError CatcherMisc