Cool Profile - Facebook App

Last Update
1 May 2013
Regular License
Extended License

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Cool Profile is a website with Facebook login app, perfect to implement in your marketing projects or just to learn pretty much everything you need to know about facebook apps. It is fully customizable with 32 background images and unlimited color combos.

The app works like this

First, the app reads the cookie from the logged Facebook user and pulls his or her profile picture. Then, the app saves the profile picture in the local host into a folder named fb_images. When the user clicks on the “upload picture” button the app renders the elements added on the profile picture and then uploads it into a new photo album in the users profile.


Graph api using php 32 background images XFBML Like Button Stream Publish (wall post) Invite Dialog Full Browser Compatible Well Documented Easy to customize Adsense Ready


8 January 13 – Adsense banners added.

20 November 12 – Total style makeover, bigger profile picture size, full browser compatibility, logout button included, App Page preloader, success and error messages when users upload their images, documentation update.

27 August 11 – Total style makeover, Facebook library updated