FormCraft - Premium WordPress Form Builder

Last Update
28 August 2013
Regular License

Illustrative List of Features

Amazing new fields (smiley rating, star rating, thumb rating, sliders, range, date …) Over 23 fields, in all Retina-optimized images for fields Responsive forms AJAX-powered form interface. Send forms without re-loading the page Form validation Auto-save form data for the end-user Conditional laws to show or hide fields File uploader with support for multiple files Embed maps, videos and other widgets Form analytics in WordPress Different ways to show forms (popup, slide up, fly in, widget) Drag and drop, GUI form builder Get all submissions in your inbox Access all submissions and uploaded files from the WordPress admin Create multi-column layouts with the click of a button Get all submissions in your inbox Send auto-responders Comprehensive documentation Compressed form data Dedicated form page


MailChimp AWeber Campaign Monitor MyMail

To use the MailChimp / AWeber / Campaign Monitor integrations, download this free plugin Read our integration guide Installation If you are having trouble installing the plugin, click here for a step-by-step guide to installing plugins on WordPress. Updates Version 1.2.1 (24th August, 2013)

Formatting bug fix

Note: Version 1.2 makes some important changes to the form styles. After over-writing the plugin files of the new version with the old one, check all your forms. If the styles are off at some places, go to the form builder, remove, and re-add those fields (specially multi-choice, and checkbox fields).Version 1.2 (23rd August, 2013)

AWeber integration Campaign Monitor integration Improved email notification formatting New features and options for the datepicker Option to use SSL for emails (fix for users having a problem using their Gmail account to send emails) Fix: overlapping text for checkboxes and radios Other small bug fixes

Version 1.1 (13th August, 2013)

MailChimp integration MyMail integration Significantly reduced download package size Minor JavaScript bug fix for color-picker