UCM Plugin: Job and Invoice Products

Last Update
9 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

This is a plugin for the Ultimate Client Manager – Lite Edition. Please ensure you have purchased and installed the latest version of Ultimate Client Manager Lite Edition before using this plugin.

Alternatively please see Ultimate Client Manager – Pro Edition which comes with this plugin included.

Job and Invoice Products Plugin

This plugin gives you a new menu option under Settings called Products. Here you can setup all your common products and assign them to categories. Products can have a name, description, quantity and amount.

Once products are created you can then add these to a Job or an Invoice. Clicking the down arrow on Job/Invoice page will bring up all available products grouped by category. Alternatively you can start typing the name of a product and it will perform an AJAX search to bring up the matches.

This plugin will save you time when creating Jobs and Invoices, and also help stop the amount of mistakes that are made (eg: quoting the wrong price for a product).

How to install

Download and install the Ultimate Client Manager on your website Purchase this plugin Find your licence code for this plugin (click here for instructions) Go to Settings > Upgrade in your system Click the + button to add the additional licence code Enter your licence code for this plugin Click the upgrade button This will install the latest version of the plugin for you, and keep it updated in the future.


Working UCM install Check the UCM upgrade system works on the hosting account (in Settings > Upgrade)

Other UCM Plugins:

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