Mysqli CRUD - Data Management System

Last Update
10 August 2013
Regular License

Description Mysqli CRUDData Management System is a powerful Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) generator application. You can intergrate it with your application and saved the development time. Mysqli CRUD – Data Management System is very easy to use.


Form elements support: Textbox, Date,Datetime, Autocomplete, Textarea, Editor, Checkbox, Radio, Selectbox, tag, file Auto detect mysql field type (date, datetime, timestamp, time….) Join table support Anti sql inections Anti-XSS Anti-CSRF Upload file and image Theme support CKEditor support Date and Datetime picker support Auto sortable columns Auto Pagination SubQuery support Callback function support Easy definition validate


PHP5+ MySQL5+ Mysqli extension gd extension


2013-08-07 - Version 1.0 - Initial release.