Mailing List

Last Update
2 August 2009
Regular License

Mailing List System by Streek

Description Light-weight yet powerful mailing list system that enables guests to subscribe via form and unsubscribe via e-mail. It allows admins to send newsletters and manage members. Very easy to add on to existing website. The newsletters accept HTML !

To those who were having blank update.php pages, the files have been updated. Please re-download the files and it’ll be up and working

Details Installation is very simple (detailed instructions included) and works with no hard labor.

Very easily themeable. Make it match your website’s layout by simply editing the CSS

Newsletters accepts HTML so you can code your newsletters in HTML or just regular text works just as well.

Admin Panel is made simple. Very easy to edit subscribers, send newsletters and manage the system.

Live Demo Mailing List: Admin Panel: Admin Login Username: Admin Login Password: password

Contact Me Feel free to leave a comment or contact me if you have any questions or problems with the system. Website: Twitter: E-mail:

Note Please note that this code requires PHP 5 and MySQL 5. It also requires your host to support sessions and the new MySQLi extension. If your host does not support the new MySQLi extension, this script will NOT work for you.