WooCommerce Wholesale Prices

Last Update
16 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

WooCommerce Wholesale Pricing – v1.2 Now Available!

A extension for WooCommerce, which adds wholesale / trade functionality to your store.

An extra field will be added to your product data tab, where you can add a “wholesale” price. This is applied to simple products, as well as variations.

Once a price has been entered, it will override the default product price with the new wholesale price you entered. Wholesale prices will only bee shown if the current user has a specific role of “wholesale_customer”


Quick and easy installation Supports simple and variable products Select which user role has wholesale privileges Show wholesale customers how much they save Set minimum / maximum product quantities

Changelog v1.2 - 17/8/2013 - Added option to select which user role see's the wholesale price. - Added options to enable and set minimum and maximum quantities.

v1.1 - 12/8/2013 - Fixed invalid input when entering a decimal in the wholesale price field. - Added functionality to show RRP, Amount Saved, Percentage Saved. - Added options page to control labels, and to turn the above options on or off.

v1.0 - 8/8/2013 - First stable release