Auto Albums - Multi Level Responsive Grid

Last Update
11 August 2013
Regular License

Auto Albums – Multi Level Responsive Grid STOP ADDING YOUR IMAGES MANUALLY IN YOUR PAGE!

This is a PHP plugin that scans a folder in your server in which you can put as much images, folders and levels you can imagine and the plugin will make a grid responsive gallery taking the folders as albums.

Put the plugin in your page once and then no more coding, you only need to take care of organizing your images in folders and if you want adding thumbnails.

There is no limit so you can keep creating folders or albums of images inside a folder inside a folder inside a folder and the plugin will still reading them all creating a navigation at the top so you can go back in whatever level of your choice.

This is an example of a directory that the plugin can read (as you can see you can organize your images in any way you want and the plugin will read your directory automatically):