Required Post Fields for WordPress

Last Update
8 August 2013
Regular License
Extended License

Required Post Fields helps you ensure that your users & authors don’t publish content by mistake if they forget to do something. It’s common to require content to have a featured image, be categorised or tagged, or to need a custom excerpt. This plugin makes sure that happens.

It adds settings to your admin area to let you make certain post fields required. You can force authors to upload a thumbnail and even set a minimum required image size for it, as well as the ability to require a title, content, custom excerpt, tags and a non default category.

The plugin fully supports any custom post types out of the box and you can also add as many extra validation rules as you like using the plugin’s API!


Supports WooCommerce Automatic support for any custom post types Extensible with custom rules using the API Can be embedded in a theme Default settings section can be hidden


Upload and activate the plugin. Head to the Writing settings page and scroll to the bottom. There you will find boxes to check to make certain fields required when a user adds or edits a post or page.

The default options are:

Require title Require content Require custom excerpt Require non default category Require tags Require featured image Minimum size for featured images

When you add or edit a post and it doesn’t meet the requirements the relevant fields will be highlighted.


For the developers among you (or those brave enough to add a few lines of PHP to your functions.php) there is an API to add/remove your own required fields too, even for custom fields.

Check the README file included in the download for more information on how to extend the default options and add custom validation rules to your posts.


We’re happy to answer any support questions and provide code examples to achieve what you want with the plugin’s API in the comments.